Report 2021

Environmental compliance

Level of environmental compliance

  • GRI: 307-1
  • GRI: 103-1 as regards ‘Environmental Compliance’
  • GRI: 103-2 as regards ‘Environmental Compliance’
  • GRI: 103-3 as regards ‘Environmental Compliance’

Grupa Kęty is well aware of its responsibility with regard to environment and climate protection. In order to eliminate the potential non-compliance, environment management systems were implemented at the companies, certified for compliance with the ISO 14001 standard. Every year, within the system effectiveness review, the highest management staff assess compliance with the then binding legal requirements. The companies of the Capital Group of Grupa Kęty S.A. comply with all applicable laws and regulations. The results of audits performed in 2021 by the Environmental Protection Inspectorate and by independent auditors from accredited units dealing with the supervision of the ISO 14001 system confirmed the compliance. The environment quality measurements and analyses carried out by the companies are an additional confirmation of compliance with the standards. On account of pollutants emission, the plants pay regularly and timely any charges required by law and file reports to the respective authorities. In 2021, none of the Capital Group companies paid any fines for excessive use of the environment.

In 2021, none of the Capital Group companies paid any fines for excessive use of the environment.

Lack of the companies’ negative impact on the environment has been confirmed by the authorities competent with regard to environmental protection control.

Following the ‘polluter-pays’ principle, the companies of the Capital Group of Grupa Kęty S.A. pay fees on the use of the environment, which is an equivalent for pollutants emission. Below presented are the values of fees for emissions to air, water withdrawal, and wastewater discharge. The aim of the companies is to limit their impact on the environment and, thus, reduce the value of fees paid on that account.

Capital Group Unit 2020 2021 Change y/y
companies located in Poland
Air emissions charges PLN 211,002 227,801 7%
Water withdrawal charges PLN 201,334 215,818 7%
Wastewater charges PLN 41,183 39,601 -4%
Total environmental charges PLN 453,519 483,220 6%
other locations
Air emissions charges PLN 982 1,090 10%
Water withdrawal charges PLN 14,575 13,764 -6%
Wastewater charges PLN 5,924 5,780 -2%
Total environmental charges PLN 21,481 20,633 -4%
Grupa Kęty S.A. Unit 2020 2021 Change y/y
Air emissions charges PLN 31,537 31,281 -1%
Water withdrawal charges PLN 201,334 215,818 7%
Wastewater charges PLN 39,071 37,930 -3%
Total environmental charges PLN 271,942 285,029 5%

Environmental costs

Within the ISO 14001 system, the companies of the Kęty Capital Group keep records of environmental protection costs. ‘Green accounting’ is a model of allocating environmental costs within corporate accounting, which enables the assessment of the costs structure and changes over time. The sources of data for the financial evaluation of environmental activities are as follows: expenditure on eco-investment projects, costs of the maintenance and operation of protection devices, costs of waste disposal and emission purification, legally required environmental charges. The accounting is a tool facilitating the decision-making process in the area of environmental activities, investment projects and organisational measures. The investment priority is to regularly upgrade the machinery and improve the environmental management system, which goes beyond the legal requirements.

In 2021, the environmental costs increased significantly compared to the preceding year – by 20% y/y for domestic companies, including by 23.5% for Grupa Kęty S.A. This resulted from higher expenditures on water and wastewater management, as well as significant increase in the costs of waste management, including very high increase in prices for waste recovery or disposal.

Capital Group Unit 2020 2021 Change y/y
companies located in Poland
Total environmental costs PLN 18,441,447 23,036,871 20%
Protection of ambient air and climate PLN 2,163,469 2,210,963 2%
Wastewater management PLN 5,953,117 7,123,297 16%
Waste management PLN 8,264,575 11,211,552 26%
Protection of soil as well as surface and underground water PLN 1,577,736 1,561,726 -1%
Other costs PLN 48, 550 929,332 48%
other locations
Total environmental costs EUR 344,547 338,295 -2%
Protection of ambient air and climate EUR 2,836 14,912 81%
Wastewater management EUR 93,796 30,794 -205%
Waste management EUR 152,496 170,699 11%
Protection of soil as well as surface and underground water EUR 4,058 8,355 51%
Other costs EUR 91,360 113,535 20%
Grupa Kęty S.A. Unit 2020 2021 Change y/y
Total environmental costs PLN 9,104,192 11,898,226 23%
Protection of ambient air and climate PLN 1,015,361 1,063,309 5%
Wastewater management PLN 4,262,318 5,683,491 25%
Waste management PLN 2,126,494 3,069,234 31%
Protection of soil as well as surface and underground water PLN 1,566,871 1,518,456 -3%
Other costs PLN 133,148 563,735 76%

Environmental impact grievances

 In 2021, none of the Capital Group companies received any complaints in relation to the use of the environment.

A similar situation had been observed in 2020.

The open information policy, including the publication of annual environmental reports, helped to increase the awareness of the type and extent of the companies’ impact on the environment. The Capital Group of Grupa Kęty S.A., as a signatory of the Global Compact and a member of the Aluminium Stewardship Initiative (ASI), has been actively promoting the principles of sustainable development and environmental responsibility.

Elimination of negative impact on the environment within the supply chain

  • GRI: 308-1
  • GRI: 103-1 as regards ‘Suppliers environmental screening’
  • GRI: 103-2 as regards ‘Suppliers environmental screening’
  • GRI: 103-3 as regards ‘Suppliers environmental screening’

In the reporting period, Grupa Kęty implemented measures aimed at reducing the environmental risk and limiting the carbon footprint within the supply chain. The Code of Conduct for the Suppliers was developed and implemented, committing our business partners to abide by the specific requirements related to sustainable development. Since 2021, the Code of Conduct for the Suppliers has been gradually sent out to all our suppliers and discussed in meetings. In order to limit a negative impact on the environment within the whole supply chain, we have engaged in the Aluminium Stewardship Initiative, of which Grupa KĘTY S.A. is an official member. Within the adopted 2025 Strategy, we have also set out a specific quantitative goal with regard to suppliers engagement in the sustainable development of the Capital Group. The goal is to verify and certify 100% of our suppliers until 2025.

Capital Group Unit 2021
companies located in Poland    
Share of certified suppliers % 57
Grupa Kęty S.A. Unit 2021
Share of certified suppliers % 50