Report 2021

Our capitals

Financial capital

  • Equity – PLN 1,587 million
  • Total liabilities – PLN 1,302 million
  • Public aid (income tax exemption) – PLN 39.4 million

We effectively manage the capital entrusted with us.

  • Taxes paid in Poland: VAT – PLN 180 million; CIT – PLN 85.2 million
  • Return on Equity (RoE) – 34%
  • Dividend paid out – PLN 430 million

Human and intellectual capital

  • 5,346 employees
  • 29% of women

The major asset of the organisation are employees, who bring to life every business process thanks to their knowledge, skills and experience. Human resources represent an extraordinary asset of the organisation. Our Strategy is based on building long-term relations, based on mutual respect. So, the way to success leads through preparing an interesting offer for the candidates, employing people with adequate competences, and subsequently providing the employees with safe, good and competitive working conditions and development opportunities.

  • 32,781 training hours (6 hours per employee)
  • PLN 558.7 million – value of employee benefits
  • PLN 162,000 – EBITDA per employee
  • 967 new employees
  • Turnover at the level of 11.5%

Social capital

  • Over 12,000 key stakeholders (employees, customers, suppliers)
  • Local communities at main company locations (Bielsko-Biała, Kęty, Goleszów, Tychy, Opole, Złotów)

‘We are a part of the local community where we try to initiate actions aimed at the community development […]’ – it is a quote from our Code of Ethics, which clearly defines our position in the local environment.

  • 200 charges of the ‘Grupa Kęty for the Children of the Podbeskidzie Region’ Foundation
  • 50% strategic suppliers covered with the Suppliers Code of Conduct
  • Effects of the ‘Ultrakrew’ blood donation social campaign – we managed to obtain 1,133 litres of blood, which means that thanks to the actions and the engagement, the health or life of 8,000 people were rescued. The Capital Group of Grupa Kęty organised two blood donation actions attended by 91 donors and resulting in collecting 40.95 litres of blood.
  • 31 projects under the ‘Together with the Group’ programme.

Production capital and assets

  • PLN 1,451 million – value of property, plant and equipment
  • PLN 1,217 million – value of current assets
  • PLN 218.5 million – value of capital expenditure

We have been systematically developing our production potential, adjusting processes and products to the circular economy.

  • Over 90% production capacity utilisation
  • PLN 4,597.6 million – sales revenue
  • 16.9% – Return on assets (RoA)

Natural capital

  • 256,000 tons of consumed materials
  • PLN 624,000  GJ of consumed energy
  • PLN 612,000 GJ of consumed natural gas
  • 970,000 m3 of consumed water

The Companies of the Capital Group of Grupa Kęty S.A. are fully responsible for the impact of their activities on the environment, and abide by the limitations imposed by law. We concentrate on searching for solutions, which eliminate the negative impact at its source. Grupa Kęty has implemented common standards and principles of conduct for all the Group companies as regards low emission, effective use of production resources and strive for climate neutrality in the perspective of 2050.

  • 35,900 tonnes of recycled aluminium scrap
  • 2% decrease in materials consumption per ton of production [Mg/Mg]
  • 2.3% decrease in energy consumption per ton of production [GJ/Mg]
  • 3.3% decrease in water consumption per ton of production [m3/Mg]
  • 4.5% decrease in emissions intensity [MgCo2e/year]