Report 2021

Governance structure

  • GRI: 102-5
  • GRI: 102-10
  • GRI: 102-18
  • GRI: 102-45

Grupa Kęty S.A. is the parent company of the Capital Group. Apart from the holding functions, the Company has a plant manufacturing extruded products operating within the Extruded Products Segment. In 2021 the organisational structure of Grupa Kęty S.A. has changed significantly. The current structure of the Company is presented in the chart below:

GK_magagement board GK_magagement board

The Capital Group of Grupa Kęty S.A. consists of 24 companies and runs business in three business segments. Each segment has a leading company, the name of which is at the same time the main brand by which the products of the particular segment are recognised on the market. Each segment has in its structures the services necessary to carry out business in the area of both production and trade. Some of the specialised functions have been concentrated in competence centres providing services to all the segments of the Capital Group. These include in particular: bookkeeping, IT services, organisation of financing, supervision of the acquisition processes, supervision of the risk management policy, internal audit, and coordination of processes related to corporate social responsibility and sustainable development. All companies of the Capital Group are covered with the consolidated financial statements. In 2021 the Capital Group underwent significant changes. The current structure of the Capital Group is presented in the chart below.

GK_capital group GK_capital group