Report 2021

Results of the Segments

Operating segments EPS ASS FPS Other Eliminations Total
Statement of profit or loss
Sales 1,818,415 1,994,850 1,170,148 19,670 (405,508) 4,597,575
  • outside the Group
1,434,769 1,992,215 1,170,030 312 0 4,597,326
  • to related parties
383,646 2,635 118 19,358 (405,508) 249
Dividends 0 0 0 398,048 (398,048) 0
Write-downs of inventories (1,080) (5,707) 1,576 0 0 (5,211)
Write-downs of receivables (1,253) 1,337 186 0 0 270
Write-downs of property, plant and equipment, and intangible assets (1,288) (3) 21 0 0 (1,270)
Profit on operating activities 217,217 301,123 254,780 380,446 (407,518) 746,048
Depreciation 68,621 48,373 33,353 3,220 79 153,646
EBITDA 285,838 349,496 288,133 383,666 (407,439) 899,694
Interest income 123 1,628 58 5 0 1,814
Interest costs and discounts (4,762) (4,878) (2,814) (386) 0 (12,840)
Profit before tax 213,664 296,955 251,327 378,475 (407,516) 732,905
Income tax (41,353) (56,160) (48,643) 6,771 1,848 (137,537)
Net profit 172,311 240,795 202,684 385,246 (405,668) 595,368
Balance sheet  
Total assets 1,215,301 1,262,926 1,086,344 465,693 (503,449) 3,526,815
Liabilities 708,746 773,966 325,708 108,229 (159,277) 1,757,372
Other data
Expenditures on property, plant and equipment 66,920 99,083 8,159 1,315 0 175,477

Operating segments

EPS ASS FPS Other Eliminations Total
Statement of profit or loss
Sales 1,279,941 1,605,066 937,669 17,748 (307,084) 3,533,340
  • outside the Group
992,857 1,601,046 937,599 293 0 3,531,795
  • to related parties
287,084 4,020 70 17,455 (307,084) 1,545
Dividends 0 0 0 278,519 (278,519) 0
Write-downs of inventories (2,123) (2,144) (1,565) 0 0 (5,832)
Write-downs of receivables 548 (5,928) 61 0 (1) (5,320)
Write-downs of property, plant and equipment, and intangible assets 264 144 0 0 0 408
Profit on operating activities 106,497 238,161 196,120 243,477 (258,430) 525,825
Depreciation 65,542 45,206 32,750 3,048 47 146,593
EBITDA 172,039 283,367 228,870 246,525 (258,383) 672,418
Interest income 258 455 889 8 0 1,610
Interest costs and discounts (6,521) (4,296) (4,671) (390) 0 (15,878)
Profit before tax 99,630 233,882 188,783 241,422 (258,483) 505,234
Income tax (20,314) (44,478) (14,233) 4,139 170 (74,716)
Net profit 79,316 189,404 174,550 245,561 (258,313) 430,518
Balance sheet
Total assets 1,061,520 970,360 1,003,602 375,824 (522,422) 2,888,884
Liabilities 526,640 508,062 287,505 84,165 (104,424) 1,301,948
Other data
Expenditures on property, plant and equipment 55,109 58,386 37,278 1,275 0 152,048