Report 2021

ESG management

Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations in the operations of the Group

Within the Company operations we have made and will continue to make efforts to ensure the creation of a better society, retaining balance and protecting the environment. This declaration, which is a quotation from the Corporate Social Responsibility Policy of the Grupa Kęty S.A. Capital Group, has been setting out the direction of our social engagement.

In our operations we abide by the corporate governance principles in reference to the following UN Sustainable Development Goals.

Decent Work and Economic Growth

Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all

  • Our ambition is to develop business and share the generated profit with a broad group of stakeholders.
  • We care for the standards – the basic form of employment at the Group companies are employment contracts, among which over 80% is represented by contracts for unlimited term.
  • We have been operating based on the Code of Ethics, the Diversity Policy, and the Dignity at Work Policy, ensuring equal treatment of the employees in their place of work.

Partnerships for the Goals

Strengthen the means of implementation and revitalize the global partnership for sustainable development

  • We follow the idea of cooperation and partnership. We have been performing sustainable development initiatives together with our local partners but also with leading world’s organisations. We attempt to promote values in the broadly understood chain of supply.
  • Since 2014, Grupa Kęty S.A. has been a Global Compact signatory, which means support to, adoption and application of the fundamental rules relating to human rights, labour standards, environmental protection, and corruption prevention, in all areas of operation.
  • In 2021 Grupa Kęty announced its access to Agenda 2030 – the purpose of the Partnership is to integrate cooperation among the representatives of various environments for the effective achievement of sustainable development goals.

Since 2014 Grupa Kęty S.A. has been a signatory of the UN Global Compact initiative and, therefore, in our activities we respect, support and develop 10 Global Compact principles. In 2021 we accessed the 2030 Agenda, which is the world development strategy until 2030, comprising 17 Sustainable Development Goals adopted by the UN member states in 2015.


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Monika Sobczak

CSR Director

The Corporate Social Responsibility area, owing to its broad scope and our priority approach to the sustainable development affairs, is managed by the division of the CSR Director, whereas within the structure of the Capital Group of Grupa Kęty S.A. by the division of the General Director. Strategic decisions regarding environmental, climate and social matters are made at the meetings of the Steering Committee for Sustainable Development and Corporate Social Responsibility. Its membership, role and tasks are defined in the Corporate Social Responsibility Procedure.

The CSR Director is responsible for convening the Committee meetings and possible extension of its membership (in compliance with the Committee plan). The Committee meetings must be held at least once a year. Its main role is to supervise the performance of social and environmental processes, as well care for the performance of the Company strategy of sustainable development, in reference to the adopted mission, vision and values.

The Committee consists of:
  • Management Board of Grupa Kęty S.A.
  • Heads of Business Segments,
  • CR Dekret CEO,
  • Business Ethics Ombudsman,
  • CSR Director.

In 2021 two Committee meetings were held. The main subjects discussed in the meetings were:

  • ‘Best Practice for GPW Listed Companies’ – new requirements for the organisations;
  • consideration of the carbon footprint objective;
  • ethics – current legal situation regarding whistleblowers;
  • discussion of the ESG 2021 strategy, and progress in the performance of objectives with regard to environment, society and management.

Within the internal distribution of responsibility for the particular areas of the Company operations among the Management Board Members, the President of the Management Board is in charge of sustainable development and corporate social responsibility.


  • GRI: 102-40
  • GRI: 102-42
  • GRI: 102-43
  • GRI: 102-44

High level of communication

The Capital Group of Grupa Kęty S.A. maintains high standards of communication. For many years, the Company has enjoyed renown and credibility among market participants, which in 2021 was confirmed by taking the third position in the prestigious ranking of the Best GPW Listed Companies under the name ‘The Stock Exchange Company of the Year’, organised by Puls Biznesu (last year the company occupied the 10th position). Grupa Kęty also took a very high, third position in the sub-ranking of ‘Investor Relations’, and the fourth position in the sub-ranking of the ‘Management Board Competence’.

Our business plans, new products, development plans of the organisation and our impact on local communities and environment have been confronted with the stakeholders’ expectations. Each year, the non-financial reporting process is consulted on an ongoing basis with the selected groups of stakeholders. Engaged are mainly our employees – the team editing the contents and consulting the major issues to be reported, but also external stakeholders, such as local governments with whom we develop the engagement of our organisation and try to reply to the real needs of the local communities.

Stakeholders, among other groups of people, affect the Group development directions. This happens by changes in legal requirements, the needs of new employee generations, or challenges posed by the care for climate issues. Processes are constantly adjusted to the challenges the business faces in the 21st century. We strive for introducing climate-friendly solutions, caring for the business culture and strongly emphasising human rights in the contemporary world.

The social and environmental activities are communicated by the Company through:

  • external portals:ównoważony biznes, and;
  • social networking portals: the Facebook account of Grupa Kęty and the ‘Grupa Kęty for the Children of the Podbeskidzie Region’ Foundation, and the Linkedin account;
  • dedicated Youtube channel;
  • meetings, the Intranet, newsletters and notice boards serving the daily contacts with the employees.

The Company also has a real influence on creating the future of the region, by active support and engagement in local communities, through the ‘Together with the Group’ social programme.

The table below presents the stakeholders of the Capital Group of Grupa Kęty S.A. with regard to the cooperation potential and impact. Such approach enables us to define the leading groups of stakeholders, which means those who have the greatest impact on the creation of the organisation’s business value and focus on the key issues raised by them.

Impact tendency
Cooperation potential High Low
  • Employees and potential employees
  • Customers
  • Shareholders and potential shareholders
  • Supervisory Board
  • In-house trade unions
  • Suppliers
  • Issuers organisations
  • Warsaw Stock Exchange
  • Regulators
  • Local communities
  • Local governments
  • Sector organisations
  • Issuers organisations
  • Competitors
  • Polish Financial Supervision Authority
  • Universities
  • Mass media
Our ESG strategy is a reply to the key issues raised by the stakeholders, such as OHS, remuneration policy, social initiatives, quality of products and services, product innovativeness, dividend policy, environmental actions, corporate governance principles, development strategy, current activities of the Company, transparent cooperation conditions, Company strategy, codes of ethics, risk management, compliance with law, support to local initiatives, development of the local labour market, support to children in children’s homes, and development of sports.

The key issues raised by the stakeholders result from the consequently carried dialogue, for example during quarterly conferences for investors, business meetings within the organisation, employee assessment procedures, regular meetings with labour unions, external business meetings, or participation in important meetings on the local government level. The issues are discussed, for example, in the meetings of the Sustainable Development and Social Responsibility Committee, the Management Board, and the Risk Management Committee. Some of the issues are implemented into the Company operations on a daily basis, while other require long-term decisions.