Report 2021

Consolidated balance sheet


Note 31.12.2021 31.12.2020
I. Non-current assets 1,722,788 1,671,676
Property, plant and equipment 17 1,460,925 1,451,189
Right-of-use assets 18 40,718 43,678
Intangible assets 20 49,696 34,746
Goodwill 13.8 20,051 20,060
Investment properties 19 2,773 2,724
Interests in associates 22 1,267 2,604
Long-term receivables 26 1,110 1,999
Advance payments for the purchase of property, plant and equipment 26 68,950 2,676
Deferred tax assets 14.1 77,298 112,000
II. Current assets 1,804,027 1,217,208
Inventories 25 900,685 516,591
Income tax receivables 14.3 1,353 2,240
Trade and other receivables 27 789,505 541,020
Contractual assets 13.2 0 141
Borrowings 23 0 31
Derivative financial instruments 38 8,674 6,015
Cash and cash equivalents 28 103,810 151,170
Total assets 3,526,815 2,888,884


Note 31.12.2021 31.12.2020
I. Equity 1,769,443 1,586,936
Share capital 29.1 68,025 67,973
Share premium 29.2 60,254 53,979
Capital from share based payments 29.3 30,582 27,344
Hedging reserve 29.4 4,751 3,676
Retained earnings 29.5 1,628,957 1,461,558
Cumulative translation adjustment for foreign companies 29.6 (24,179) (28,256)
Equity attributable to owners of the parent 1,768,390 1,586,274
Equity attributable to non-controlling interests 1,053 662
II. Long-term liabilities 548,313 564,954
Loan payables 30 421,733 440,086
Lease liabilities 31 17,090 19,868
Other liabilities 33.1 11,344 1,385
Provisions 32 499 499
Provisions for employee benefits 24.2 20,403 21,563
Deferred income 34 33,910 35,599
Deferred tax liability 14.1 43,334 45,954
III. Short-term liabilities 1,209,059 736,994
Loan payables 30 535,041 272,771
Lease liabilities 31 4,854 4,679
Income tax payables 14.3 50,993 30,835
Trade payables and other liabilities 33.2 526,093 352,802
Contractual liabilities 33.3 34,056 20,015
Provisions and accruals 32 51,522 51,635
Derivative financial instruments 38 2,810 1,478
Deferred income 34 3,690 2,779
Total equity/liabilities 3,526,815 2,888,884